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Monday, 9 September 2024

Fatayat NU Plays an Important Role in Preventing Radicalism and Extremism

Jakarta – Fatayat NU held a Training of Trainer (TOF) of Da’iyah Fatayat NU, recently. The agenda was facilitated by Rubi Kholifah and Riri Khariroh, both of whom are the Steering Committee (SC) Working Group on Women and Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism (WGWC). According to Chief Executive Anisa Rahmawati, this was a response from Fatayat NU on the issue of radicalism and violent extremism that was public. This agenda targets the NU Fatayat da’iyah from Java.

“The da’iyah are influencers who will prevent radicalism and extremism through propaganda. As well as being able to spread the values of Islam that are full of grace based on the issue of violent radicalism and extremism,” she said, recently.

She admitted that Fatayat NU had quite a number of NU da’iyah who played a very important role in the community. Therefore, through this learning process, it must be well conveyed to the community. Considering, there is a considerable impact from the problem of radicalism and violent extremism in society.

Thus, through da’wah the public must be well-educated. And the da’iyah must oversee the reintegration of these problems in society. And, can spread very widely by using da’wah. Moreover, the propaganda pattern has changed by using social media. This must be read well by the NU Fatayat da’iyah.

“The spread of radicalism and extremism has experienced a quite strong shift in society by using social media targeting women and children. This situation must be able to be read by Fatayat NU cadres,” she stressed.

“This agenda as a briefing to preach the da’iyah strategy can be done in the media,” she added.

At the same time, one of the SC WGWC Ruby Kholifah conducted training to strengthen the capacity of the da’iyah. This agenda is very important to be done to ensure that these influencers understand and understand about the issue of radicalism and extremism.

“This is an attempt by WGWC and Patner to ensure that influencers in the community truly understand radicalism. As well as taking preventative actions that do not belong to this group,” she said as Director of AMAN Indonesia.

The next thing that needs to be ensured is to ensure that people who have been exposed to radicalism and extremism do not return to this group. She stressed, the government cannot work alone, for this reason, the role of the community is needed in prevention.
“The Working Group will always be ready for all the efforts of the learning process in the community about what radicalism is and how its impact on women is broader. NU plays an important role in this prevention effort,” she said.
She emphasized that radicalism and extremism had long targeted women and children. Therefore, the movement of rsadical groups that involve women and children must be responded to massively by involving the wider community. She also believes that this Da’iyah is an influencer who is ready to contact the group.

“This movement has been happening for a very long time in the community, but NU plays an important role in conducting prevention efforts,” she concluded.

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