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Wednesday, 24 July 2024

WGWC Knowledge Hub (K-Hub)

K-Hub Working Group on Women and Prenving/Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) (WGWC) is a media of consolidating knowledge about the work of women and PCVE in Indonesia, by taking good and bad practices, civil society and government in implementing policies and women's and PCVE programs.

WGWC is a network platform for civil society and government that works to strengthen gender mainstreaming in policies and interventions to combat radicalism and extremism (terrorism) in Indonesia. Followed by 24 organizations from civil society and government to work in preventing violent extremism, declared a collaboration platform called Working Group on Women and P / CVE (WGWC) on July 24, 2017 in Bogor. The WGWC is a shared house for actors working on gender mainstreaming in preventing violent extremism. At the same time, this movement has built the foundation for collaborative work and invited more new partners to build the women's and P / CVE movements in Indonesia.

Rubi Kholifah

Anggota Steering Committee

Country Representative of the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) Indonesia. Recipients of the award as 100 influential women of the 2014 BBC version and recipients of the 2016 N-Peace Award.

Debby Affianty

Anggota Steering Committee

Is the Executive Director of the Laboratory of Indonesia and Global Studies (LIGS), FISIP, Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta. She is also a member of the International Relations and Cooperation Institute (LHKI) PP Muhammadiyah.

Taufik Andrie

Anggota Steering Committee

Is the Executive Director of the Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian. His expertise are in the field of research analysis in the field of conflict, violence related to politics, radicalism and deradicalization and the issue of terrorism in Islam and politics

Imam Nahe’i

Anggota Steering Committee

Nahe'I MHI lahir di Malang, 12 Februari 1970. Beliau merupakan komisioner Komnas Perempuan. Serta penulis, peneliti dan pengajar pada lembaga kader ahli fiqih, Ma'had Aly Situbondo Jawa Timur dan Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy (IAII) Situbondo. Lulusan IAII (S1), Unisma Malang (S2) dan saat ini program Doktor di UIN Surabaya, semuanya konsentrasi Hukum Islam. Saat ini telah menerbitkan beberapa buku, al. Fiqih Anti Trafficking (penerbit Fahmina), Fiqih Keseharian Buruh Migrant (penerbit Fahmina), Fiqih Pluralis (penerbit puslitbang Kemenag RI), Qawa'id Fiqih (penerbit Ibrahimy Press). Pernah juga mengikuti pendidikan kader ulama Majelis Ulama Indonesia (PKU-MUI) Angkatan 1997.

Aktif mengikuti kegiatan diskusi, workshop, pelatihan, pendidikan HAM dan Gender, baik peserta maupun narasumber.

Nur Laeliyatul Masruroh

Anggota Steering Committee

Merupakan Program Manager C-save. Pada 2015 – 2016 mengikuti The academic program “Islam, Diversity and Peace Building” at The Adyan Institute, Beirut, Lebanon. Risetnya sudah banyak dimuat di berbagai media, salah satunya Potret Dinamika Relawan Pendukung Joko Widodo di DKI Jakarta dan Media Sosial pada Pemilihan Presiden Indonesia 2014.