Jakarta – Islamic Boarding School (PP) Asshiddiqiyah Jakart held an Islamic book review for Gen-Z in PP Asshiddiqiyah Hall Jakarta, Thursday (05/03/2020). The agenda was a collaboration with Wahid Foundation to celebrate the day of PP Asshidiqiyah Jakarta. In the book review, Libasut Taqwa as a representative of the Wahid Foundation said that of the many studies conducted by the Wahid Foundation in the field on religious understanding of young people aged 17 to 20 years have different ways of learning and understanding of religion.
“We found the fact that the religious understanding of millennials or Z genes and the way of learning is very different from previous generations. Therefore, the Wahid Foundation felt the need to write a book specifically for them, namely the book that we gave the title Islam for Gen-Z, “he said during the event.
The 3 hour event was attended by hundreds of students and dozens of Asshidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School teachers. They were very enthusiastic to take part in the book review, because according to them, the book published by WF was very suitable for them to study and very useful for teaching and learning.
Hatim Gazali, author and resource person at the book review program, said that this book is not intended for students, because the contents of this book are very light. Just discussing the problem of daily religious activities. “It’s just that this book will be useful for students who will teach, because the contents and ways of writing are adapted to the millennial character in learning,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, the second speaker, Ahmad Romzi as a comparison in the book review program explained some millennial characters. According to him, millennial generation or gene Z is the generation born in 1996 until the early 2000s.
Millennials, he continued, have some very striking characters from previous generations. For example, the matter of how this Z generation establishes social relations with its surroundings, they tend to be more active to collaborate or collaborate rather than choose to compete.
“In terms of learning, this generation tends to be more enthusiastic to know everything, it’s just not exhaustive,” he said.
Even in studying religion, he admitted, millennials prefer to get instant answers rather than studying religion in an orderly manner step by step. This Generation Z finally chose to study religion instantaneously through social media rather than studying the cleric or kiai who taught religion gradually from beginning to end.
“With the presence of this Islamic book for Gen-Z, in my opinion this is one solution to provide religious knowledge to generation Z. Even if necessary, there must be books specifically written for Gen-Z, not only for teachers who teach Gen-Z alone,” he concluded.
All of the book review participants attended the event very fervently. In fact, some of them went to the two speakers after the event to inquire further about the contents of the Islamic book for Gen-Z.